Caring For Your Evergreen Trees Through The Winter

From the gorgeous red cedar tree to the tall spruce, the evergreen family of trees is one of the most admired. These cold-hardy trees get their "evergreen" designation due to the fact that they do not lose their foliage through the coldest parts of the year. While evergreen trees may very well be some of the hardiest and life-filled in cold weather, this does not mean your evergreens do not need a little special care to keep them safe in the winter. In fact, evergreens are just as prone to damage through the winter as most other tree species. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.  

Make sure you do your pruning before the cold weather sets in. 

You could essentially have a tree care service prune your trees during any season. However, certain types of trees always fare better if they are pruned at the appropriate time of year. As for trees in the evergreen family, it can be best to prune them somewhere around early spring or in the middle of summer. If you have your evergreens trimmed in the winter, it is harder for the tree to recoup because they lose more sap and are already in a semi-dormant state. 

Keep your tree protected from winter-season pests. 

The evergreens foliage stays in place throughout the winter, which means pests and animals who would normally hang out in other trees may gravitate toward your evergreens. Take a close look at all of your trees in close proximity to one another and check for signs of pests.

If you see issues or signs of pests like boring holes or insects, get in touch with a tree care service to help you treat the problems before the onset of winter. Treating all of your trees and not just your evergreens will ensure present pests don't just relocate when winter arrives. 

Consider adding mulch to young evergreens before cold weather settles in. 

Your young evergreens can be most vulnerable to the cold, so protecting them through their first winter is always a good idea. Adding a healthy layer of natural mulch at the base of the tree where the trunk meets the ground can give the young root system an added layer of protection from freezing temperatures.

You can also ask a tree care service to help you wrap the lower trunks of younger evergreens to help keep them from cracking in freezing temperatures. The trunk of a young tree can take in moisture, which can freeze in cold enough temperatures and cause damaging cracks. 

Reach out to a tree care service to learn what else you should do for your evergreen trees.
