Getting To Know Dirt

You walk into a gardening supply center and notice stacks of plastic bags full of soil lining the aisle. There are important differences in those bags of dirt, and knowing how they are used will help you to have a healthier garden, flower bed and yard. When you talk with a landscape design company about yard improvement, you'll have a better idea of what types of soil to put where in your yard. [Read More]

Don't Set It And Forget It: Check Irrigation Systems After Each Storm

If you're a home gardener who's made the switch to DIY irrigation systems like drip irrigation and soaker hoses, you might have marveled at how simple those systems were to set up and how easy they are to modify. But along with that easy modification comes the need to check on the system constantly, especially after heavy rains or a severe storm. Ignoring the system after a storm could harm your plants and soil. [Read More]

Fire Away: Remember To Plant Fire-Resistant Plants, Not Just Drought-Resistant

Are you a homeowner who is hoping to re-landscape your home to add more drought-resistant plants? That's a responsible thing to do, especially if you live in the western United States or in an area where drought can happen easily. But you have to keep fire risk in mind, too. Drought-resistant plantings can still dry out when they don't receive adequate water. That increases the risk of fire consuming your home even if you follow " [Read More]

Four Tips To Help With A Landscaping Makeover Project

If you want to have more attractive landscaping, it is not a project that needs to take weeks to complete. There are many things that you can do to renovate landscaping. If you want to change the look of your garden areas, you can do things like add retaining walls, planters, water features and privacy shades. You can do these things at different times to change the look of your landscaping and give it a makeover. [Read More]