Tips To Help You Remove Damaged Limbs From A Tree

If severe weather has broken some branches on a tree in your yard, learn how to safely remove them with the following tips. Eliminating the damage quickly will prevent decay and insect infestations in the area that was damaged and will assist with keeping the tree healthy. 

Use The Following Items

  • safety goggles
  • ladder
  • pruning shears
  • water hose
  • soil tiller
  • fertilizer

​Assess The Damage And Make The Cuts

Assess the tree to determine how many branches are broken. Set up a ladder next to the damaged limbs that are highest from the ground. Eliminating damage near the top of the tree first will prevent you from accidentally getting injured from a falling branch when you are working closer to the ground. Put on a pair of safety goggles and have a friend assist you if possible. One person can stand on the ground and monitor the risk of a falling limb as you make each cut.

Hold a pair of pruning shears under the damaged limb and cut halfway through it. Readjust the shears and cut through the top portion of the limb. It is best to cut from a slight angle as you are doing this to prevent the limb from snapping off. Ease the limb from the tree and allow it to fall to the ground. Continue cutting all of the damaged limbs in this manner. Cutting as little as possible will reduce the risk of injury to the tree.

Care For Soil And Water The Tree

After the damaged branches are removed, the tree needs to be cared for daily. Use a soil tiller to loosen the soil around the base of the tree. Move the tiller back and forth in straight lines until the soil moves with ease. Apply a small amount of fertilizer to the tilled area and use a water hose to add water around the base of the tree.

Continue watering the tree on a daily basis to promote healthy growth. After limbs are eliminated, nutrients are depleted in the tree. Making sure that the soil conditions are favorable and that the tree is receiving plenty of water will improve the tree's health.

Consider Some Additional Tips

After the tree trimming is complete, the tree needs time to heal. Avoid touching or covering the damaged areas. It is always best to cut limbs from trees during the winter or early spring because they are dormant, but removing damaged limbs should be completed throughout the year to prevent additional damage to the tree. After completing all of the steps listed above, the tree will continue to add beauty to your property and will grow to be strong and healthy.
