Five Rental Tools To Make Spring Lawncare Easier

Spring is a busy time in the yard as you get everything in top condition for summer. You can minimize the labor and time needed by renting a few tools to make the job easier. 1. Edger An edger can take a lawn from nice to beautiful in a short period of time. Not only does a sharp edge look better at the margin of the grass and paving, it also serves a purpose -- a clean edge prevents grass from growing over the paving and causing the edges to crumble. [Read More]

3 Tips For Maintaining Healthy, Even Grass On A Soccer Field

The grass on a soccer field endures a significant amount of damage compared to a residential lawn. Soccer cleats, slide tackles and high-speed sprints will break apart grass and compact the soil. It's common for soccer fields to develop areas of dead grass or areas where the soil is exposed due to this constant traffic. At the same time, maintaining grass coverage with a consistent height is important for players — uneven fields affect the way the soccer ball moves over the grass in addition to being unattractive. [Read More]